At VECC, I worked at Accelerator Technology Division (Mechanical) under guidance of Mr. Gautam Pal, Scientific Officer (H). My work was related to the "Design of the cryostat for superconducting RF cavity." I did the thermal and structural analysis of a cryostat for storing liquid helium at 4K for maintaining superconductivity of the Niobium cavity to avoid attenuation of RF signal passing through it. I calculated total heat load to cryostat to evaluate its thermal performance. I also did calculations for deciding the appropriate thickness of outer vessel and inner vessel (containing liquid Helium) so that they do not distort under cryogenic conditions. My work also included design calculations for bellows, flanges, support columns, pressure relief valves etc. Based on this analysis, I made the basic design of the cryostat. This also gave me a hands on experience and an opportunity to learn about design problems involved in storage of cryogenic liquids at temperature where mechanical properties of the material changes considerably and even small amount of heat leak can causes severe damaging effect.